Hello.This is my web site for displaying my model making work, both professional and personal. Enjoy your stay.
Within these pages are many more pics like those seen to the right. There are many to show and it will take time to get everything up, so check back periodically for updates.
I'm also hoping to add a how-to article or two in the future, but the pics are the main priority, so we'll see how it all pans out.
*Special note*
My site was horribly defaced by 50megs when they tried to implement some new features that I really didn't want, and which they did not ask if I wanted. A lazy coder, whose crappy code work created a half assed app that was intended to mass apply the changes to all of their customers' sites screwed up my menu system, so the links to half of my pages are gone from the menu, and some that are there now go to their default template, with all the pics that come with it. Imagine a frame shop breaking into your home, gathering all of the family pictures seated in frames which you purchased from them, took all the pics out and then replaced them with the stock pics of the plastic looking families that were in the frames when you bought them. That's about what happened here. Was meant to be a good thing, but was poorly applied, and there's been no customer service to unf**k everything. It will take me a long time to get it back to where it was. I don't know when I'll do it, as I have neither the time, nor the inclination. I apologize for how lame the site is right now. Please enjoy what is available. I'll either get it fixed eventually, or move it to a more hospitable home. Seriously, what am I paying for here?